Merkblätter zur Restaurierung der überschweren Kräder BMW R75 und Zündapp KS 750.
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Zündmagnet BOSCH FJ 2 R 134
This magneto is a further development of t he Bosch FJ 1 snd FJ 2 series. Some vendors try to sell these magnetos as being suitable for BMW R75 and Zündapp KS 750 for a lot of money. Keep your hands off these magnetos! Besides the contact breakers, you can use absolutely nothing else by using FJ 1 and FJ 2!
charcteristics of the BOSCH FJ2 R 134
A better
sealing of the entire housing, a more solid and functionally more reliable
version of the housing and the ignition advance assembly.
Technically the BOSCH ignition advance assembly is better .
The adjustment is performed by adjusting the pinion in direction of the engine.
As a result the nozzle point is always in the optimal range.
This is not so with the NORIS magneto. The optimal nozzle point is changing.
Here on the above photo on the right hand side , the FJ2 R134 can be
recognized by the housing under which the ignition timing is located.
The FJ1 and FJ2 do not have this part of the housing.
Moreover, the ignition cables are laid
crosswise as shown in the photo above.
The labeling which side sparks is applied on the rotor with a R.
If this R is at the bottom right and readable, this indicates that the
right side gets a spark.
But only if the cables are laid crosswise.
Travel Report
For over 20 years I drive the same BOSCH magneto in my Zündapp KS 750.
After 22.000 Km I have diassembled the magneto for the first time. I cleaned, greased and adjusted it.
The contact breakers had to be slightly worked over with a diamong file.
Now after another 8,000 km I had a problem with the BOSCH magneto for the first time.
During our Sahara trip the engine stopped all of a sudden and there was no spark anymore. As we could not find the reason for this failure immediately we mounted a spare NORIS magneto.
At home a dismanteld the Bosch magento and found out that only the cable, which is soldered to the ignition coil had broken off.
A soldering point was made and the BOSCH magneto is running again as before.
The Bosch magneto is clearly the better magneto.
It is also much more expensive to purchase.
It is harder to find.
Not all spare parts are always available for it
Who has one does not want to give it away.
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